How my tribe got me through 2021

3 mins read
I landed in Australia in 2011 with nothing more than a backpack and a drive to convert my business degree into a yet unknown and undefined career. Working as a receptionist in a recruitment agency, I was exposed to a potential career opportunity that combined marketing, business and psychology – the exact combination of my skills and interests. I also learnt that, with the recruitment industry, what you put in, you get out. Not quite four years later, with passion, determination and a strong desire to disrupt a stagnant industry, I was starting my own recruitment agency – a now industry-leading, award-winning, purpose-driven, candidate first recruitment agency – Lotus People.


I have been lucky enough in my 11 years in Australia to build a community of chosen family, friends and contacts and I pride myself on gravitating towards people who are intuitively on the same level, and who operate with the same values. I started the business with knowledgeable and supportive shareholders and an equally passionate and highly intelligent co-founder which has no doubt assisted in propelling the business forward. Despite this support, I soon came to learn that business ownership can be very hard.

Those of us who run our own show are well aware of the battle between working both on and in the business, and between ensuring your business works with you in it as much as it does with you out of it. Navigating these dichotomies as my business iterated through its early stages of growth, I decided to join Accountability Circle, facilitated by Nic McClanahan. I put my hand up to join a tribe of women who were going through similar experiences so that I could continue to learn and grow as a leader and business owner.

At the time, I was reading Glennon Doyle’s memoir, Untamed, and was completely inspired by a quote in the book which I wrote on a piece of paper and stuck on my wall as a constant reminder; “We can do hard things”. This was a message I returned to again and again that year, as every week and month seemed to present a new challenge to navigate. My recruitment agency faced a significant drop in revenue (thankfully short term); I sadly had to make redundancies; I received resignations from team members leaving for more secure industries, and in that time, I leant heavily on my Circle tribe.

I remember one day, in particular. I had just woken up and at the exact moment where I thought – “Maybe I can’t do hard things, maybe this is just too bloody hard”, I received a call from a Circle member, Erin, who I now call one of my dearest friends, to say – “Hey, you can do this. This sucks, there is so much uncertainty, but we will get through it.” That pick-me-up call changed my mindset and attitude and propelled me forward to face the next challenge, which eventually saw us emerge from lockdown with a bigger, better, stronger team, process and strategy.

It has been a fantastic experience getting to know these amazing women at a deep and authentic level and, whether you own a business, are starting a side hustle or have a passion project, I cant’s recommend enough the benefit of finding a tribe who fully “get” and support you in that journey. I can attest to the fact that, from personal experience, it will take you and your passion to the next level!

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